Government Programs for Ranchers
The Ranch Sustainability Award recognizes ranchers in BC who demonstrate leadership in land stewardship and operational management while giving back to their community.
The deadline for nominations is September 1 of every year, and recipients are announced at the following year’s AGM.
The award is made possible by the generous sponsorship of MNP LPP along with funding from the Cattle Industry Development Council.
Anyone is welcome to nominate a ranch for consideration. However, the ranch owner must meet the following criteria:
To nominate a rancher, email the BCCA with the following information contained in a single document that is 10 pages or less:
Include the following materials as additional attachments:
Each nominee will receive an in-person visit to learn about their ranch practices and philosophy.
The evaluation will consider the livestock management, land stewardship, animal care, benefit to the environment and the nominee’s contributions to industry or community.
A diverse panel of judges, including an agrologist and representatives from the cattle industry and conservation organizations, will review the ranch evaluations and chose the recipient.
Recipients of the Ranch Sustainability Award will receive a commemorative gate sign and a trip for two to the BCCA’s AGM.
They will also receive a trip for two to attend the Canadian Cattle Association’s semi-annual meeting at the Canadian Beef Industry Conference where they will compete with producers across the country for The Environmental Stewardship Award.